Monday, June 4, 2007


About 3 years ago I needed someone to help me ship over 200 quilts to the Albanian Orthodox Church's Seminary and Children's Home in Tirana. I could not find answers in Nassau so when Cally & John moved to Charlotte, I loaded 11 LARGE trash bags of quilts into their container and sent them to the USA. Months later, after numerous calls, a warm , friendly voice said the wonderful words: "I can do that for you"! Ron Schimpf of Postnet on Providence Road, Charlotte, had the quilts packed ( for free) and delivered to Dr. Linderman in Albania, within 8 days, much to the joy and appreciation of the recipients. SO when I decided to ship my supplies to Romania, I simply loaded up 3 suitcases and brought them to Ron, who, once again, was an angel of mercy. The 123lb box , again packed for free, is on its way to Cluj-Napoca by Fed Ex and I am a grateful, and much more relaxed person! Fabric, batting, magazines, thread, books etc are on their way. Thank you very much, Ron, for you kindness, generosity and efficiency.

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